Empowering grassroots sport organisations through digital transformation: more about the DigiFit project


Digital transformation has become a critical process in today's rapidly evolving world, requiring continuous learning, experimentation and adaptation. For grassroots sport organisations, building their digital capacity is key to becoming more resilient, adaptable and prepared to tackle future challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic underscored the urgent need for such readiness, and even as the limitations imposed by lockdowns recede, grassroots sport organisations must continue to develop, adapt, and sustain their digital capabilities. Fortunately, they do not have to face this challenge alone.

The EU Erasmus+ project Fit for the Digital Age (DigiFit) has emerged as a catalyst for leveraging digital transformation and innovation to enhance resilience and capacity within the grassroots sport and physical activity sector, making it #DigiFit.

Accelerating digital transformation
The primary objective of the DigiFit project is to expedite the digital transformation of grassroots sport organisations and their staff by fostering digital readiness, resilience and capacity building. Recognising that this journey is not without its complexities, so DigiFit aims to provide the necessary support and resources to facilitate the growth of these organisations in the digital realm.

Understanding the status of digitalisation in sport
To lay the groundwork for this transformative process, DigiFit has initiated a pan-European survey. This survey plays a pivotal role in assessing the current digitalisation status of grassroots sport organisations. By participating, organisations can contribute valuable insights that will inform the project's next steps. The survey results will serve as a foundation for an incubation programme that the partners will design to empower their fellow organisations to enhance their digital and general status.

The Incubation Programme
At the heart of the DigiFit project lies the incubation programme. This innovative initiative aims to create a collaborative ecosystem by inviting forward-thinking solution providers and grassroots sport organisations to come together. Through this programme, participants will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge, learn from experts, and develop the digital capabilities necessary to thrive in the digital age. By embracing a culture of innovation and fostering partnerships, organisations can enhance their digital readiness and position themselves for future success.

Join us and get fit for the digital age
If your grassroots sport organisation is ready to embark on a transformative digital journey, DigiFit warmly invites you to participate in the programme. By reaching out to the project partners, you can express your interest in improving your organisation's digital and general status. The DigiFit programme is eager to welcome organisations that are committed to growth, innovation, and building a resilient future.

Digital transformation is no longer an option, but a necessity for grassroots sport organisations. By participating in the DigiFit programme, organisations can unlock the potential to become more resilient, adaptable and equipped to navigate the challenges of the digital era. The survey and incubation programme provide invaluable opportunities for organisations to enhance their digital capacity, foster innovation, and build meaningful partnerships. Together, we can empower grassroots sport organisations to thrive and create a vibrant future for the sector.

Are you ready to take your grassroots sport organisation to the next level? Join the #DigiFit movement today by participating in our survey here.

Posted on 14/06/2023 by EPSI and ISCA

"Project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."