#DIGIFIT Solution Providers

#DigiFIt digital challenges addressed
Servicing members
Recruiting new members and/or volunteers
Infrastructure management
VICTOZ’s ambition is developing a software platform for sports live streaming and analysing.
Amateur team sports and not least football can become much more integrated across organisations and leagues through online communities binding the users together through what matters before, during and after the game and training sessions, and we in VICTOZ think video is a key part of these communities motivating, entertaining and improving skills.
VICTOZ is a platform that aims to make video and live streaming of sports events, training and competitions more accessible to everyone, regardless of whether you are a participant/practitioner, coach, spectator, family member, friend, fan or sponsor.
VICTOZ supports training with video streams, where both players, coaches and spectators can get an insight into today’s training program to use it constructively going forward.
Interest in the #DifiFit approach
We believe that making physical sports better integrated with digital services will be crucial for attracting young people. Gamification and dedicated social sports communities are just a few of the key tools to meet the challenges in the recruitment of members.
Within the #DigiFit experience, we will work closely together with clubs and organisations to attract new and retain existing members.
Sport must be experienced in the present and with VICTOZ we enable many more people to follow an event, training or match regardless of where you are and without the need for a paid membership. Streaming technology is developing rapidly and we want to be part of that improvement of the sports experience.