#DIGIFIT Solution Providers


#DigiFIt digital challenges addressed

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning/Measuring Social Impact

Member management/CRM


Upshot is a monitoring, evaluation, and learning software and consultancy company that supports grassroots organisations in collecting data on their activities and participants, recording attendance, tracking individual journeys, collecting feedback, and reporting on their social impact.

Upshot offers

  • A software as a service cloud solution that helps organisations manage their data, monitor progress and evidence impact
  • Strategic consultancy to build capacity and knowledge for staff on impact measurement including workshops, data analysis and data visualisation

Interest in the #DifiFit approach

We will be a valuable contributor to the #DigiFit Experience in 2024 for two reasons: firstly we will bring experience working with over 1400 grassroots organisations helping them collect and manage data digitally to help them optimise efficiency and understand the difference they are making. Secondly, we understand the context and landscape of what these grassroots organisations are trying to achieve and can support them in being more data-driven, tech-focused and evidence-based led helping them be more impactful and sustainable in the long term.


Fit for the Digital Age

"Project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."