#DIGIFIT Solution Providers

#DigiFIt digital challenges addressed
Recruiting new members and/or volunteers
About Motivu
At Motivu, we believe that sports organisations play a bigger role in society than we give them credit for. It is in sports organisations that you have the opportunity to be part of a larger community and there is room for everyone
Motivu’s mission is to facilitate the process of joining a sports club. It revolutionizes the recruitment of members into sports clubs by providing digital tools that connect them.
The idea with Motivu is that it allows citizens and sports organisations to find each other more simply and easily than before.
Motivu is a digital system that helps sports clubs attract new members. In particular, the tool helps to break down the barrier by allowing participants to sign up for a trial training session digitally.
Interest in the #DifiFit approach
We are excited about the #DigiFit experience as we do expect to go international and would like to broaden our perspective outside of Denmark. Specifically we are interested in knowing more about the structure of sports clubs and their stakeholders in other countries.
We would like to explore the options of recruiting new members through the sports clubs existing members in a simple way. We have already seen great potential here and a strong solution would increase the scalability of Motivu and decrease the cost for the sports clubs.
We are also eager to learn more about sports clubs issues that we could potentially help solve. And of course we are very happy to share the knowledge we have obtained by helping almost 1.000 sports clubs in Denmark.